Paste snippets to share via tiny URL
Make long URLs shorter and easy to type and say
Upload a file and generate a short URL to share easily
Save scanned voucher codes to keep them handy and not forgotten
Track your baby activity and statistics
Share recipes and meal plans
Plot charts showing historic price data
Local crop sharing community
Member mailing list
Wake a device from home or outside
Manage And access postgresql databases
Remote desktop
Manage and access git repositories
Monitor and configure file shares
Kanban board
Manage projects and tasks
Use device as touchpad
Turn your device's touchscreen into a remote touchpad
Access the gateway
Manage local LAN and internet connection settings
Manage RSS Feeds
Publish news items and create new feeds
Generate a template prayer following the form of the model prayer outlined in Matthew 6:9‑13 and Luke 11:2‑4
Notable events but not weather or sports
Cool and inspirational articles
Humourous articles, memes or anything funny